Gameplay Concepts

Over the last 6 months I've been working almost exclusively on new adding gameplay elements to enrich the overall game environment. Some are general concepts, applicable to the main universal sandbox. Others are more specific and fill out the lore of the gameworld. Others such as missions, factions etc. are still to come. Here are the last 6 months worth of gameplay concepts, in alphabetical order. Air Resistance When ships enter/leave atmospheres they encounter air resistance. This is imparted as a drag on the physics of the ships, with the primary effects being reduction of top speed, and dampening of flight controls. Ships may or may not come with wings, be careful flying into a planetary atmosphere without wings! The intention is to impart air resistance to the damage model, causing ships entering an atmosphere too fast to burn up and be destroyed. Target speed is set at 1000 km/h, but due to air resistance, it is currently max...