Optimising the procedural scene generator

First of all, its crazy doing procedural scene generation and the scene graph in Python. When you're dealing with 1000's of tiles, c++ is a far better match.

However, in keeping with the spirit of things, let's try and optimise the Python procedural scene first, as any high-level optimisations done are still likely to be beneficial after porting (and easier to prototype in Python!)

Step 1 in any optimisation is profiling, to see where we need to optimise. Here's a snippet from my results

47% in RenderChannelStrip.render

ncalls tottime percall cumtime percall filename:lineno(function)
3731 23.980 0.006 23.980 0.006 K:\Pegwars\current\Scripts\PyStingray\RenderChannelStrip.py:47(render)
44150 2.884 0.000 2.884 0.000 d:\Pegwars\current\Scripts\Scene\Object.py:39(bind)
287 2.862 0.010 3.243 0.011 d:\Pegwars\current\Scripts\Frustum\FarPlane.py:13(cull)
2525213 2.594 0.000 2.594 0.000 {method 'append' of 'list' objects}
2009 2.514 0.001 2.542 0.001 d:\Pegwars\current\Scripts\Scene\ObjectPool.py:27(updateObjectList)
1724 2.240 0.001 3.550 0.002 {method 'sort' of 'list' objects}
1723/1436 2.215 0.001 47.822 0.033 d:\Pegwars\current\Scripts\PyStingray\UpdateChannelStrip.py:24(tick)
1435 2.152 0.001 3.939 0.003 d:\Pegwars\current\Scripts\Frustum\Light.py:15(cull)
351862 1.357 0.000 1.357 0.000 d:\Pegwars\current\Scripts\Scene\Object.py:71(tick)

There are two obvious candidates here, UpdateChannelStrip.tick is taking up twice as much time as rendering. And python 'append' and 'sort' of 'list' objects take a long time.

Now Citypieces only need worldobject->tick() called once ever, when they are created, to set up their c++ reference frame. Try a onceOnly updateChannelStrip for these, OR try calling wo->tick() directly in creation. Anyone with logic units should keep on ticking(). Anyone without can probably do without.

And the python ObjectPool is currently using lists for 1000s of objects, and calling del() on objects - linear search! Change this to use set logic.

AFTER - 62% in RenderChannelStrip.render

ncalls tottime percall cumtime percall filename:lineno(function)
4433 27.502 0.006 27.502 0.006 K:\Pegwars\current\Scripts\PyStingray\RenderChannelStrip.py:47(render)
341 3.394 0.010 3.828 0.011 d:\Pegwars\current\Scripts\Frustum\FarPlane.py:13(cull)
2387 2.940 0.001 2.964 0.001 d:\Pegwars\current\Scripts\Scene\ObjectPool.py:27(updateObjectList)
2988137 2.930 0.000 2.930 0.000 {method 'append' of 'list' objects}
1705 2.558 0.002 4.595 0.003 d:\Pegwars\current\Scripts\Frustum\Light.py:15(cull)
43240 1.927 0.000 1.927 0.000 d:\Pegwars\current\Scripts\Scene\Object.py:42(bind)
341 0.511 0.001 0.922 0.003 d:\Pegwars\current\Scripts\Frustum\View.py:11(cull)
1 0.240 0.240 44.535 44.535 main.py:21(runPegwars)
2387 0.205 0.000 2.440 0.001 d:\Pegwars\current\Scripts\Scene\ObjectPool.py:50(callVizDiffCallbacks)
1050 0.201 0.000 0.201 0.000 {method 'symmetric_difference' of 'set' objects}
2283 0.169 0.000 0.169 0.000 {method 'union' of 'set' objects}

Fantastic, render now takes up 62% of the time, instead of only 47%. We aren't calling tick() on 1000's of static objects, and when this is ported to C++, the wants_tick facility gets ported too.

And the need to set based ObjectPools has been noted - see the 'symettric_difference' of 'set' objects now takes a negligible amount of time - removing the need to erase from linear lists.

Let's go on..

The next standout is the python FarPlane.py (cull). This puts objects from within the farplane into a Scene's object pool. It's currently done in python. This is a necessary function, but for now, since we are moving tile pieces, we don't need to use this for this particular instance. A gross hack.

AFTER - 66% in RenderChannelStrip.render

ncalls tottime percall cumtime percall filename:lineno(function)
4524 30.175 0.007 30.175 0.007 K:\Pegwars\current\Scripts\PyStingray\RenderChannelStrip.py:47(render)
2436 3.084 0.001 3.110 0.001 d:\Pegwars\current\Scripts\Scene\ObjectPool.py:27(updateObjectList)
41420 2.667 0.000 2.667 0.000 d:\Pegwars\current\Scripts\Scene\Object.py:42(bind)
2617790 2.667 0.000 2.667 0.000 {method 'append' of 'list' objects}
1740 2.626 0.002 4.793 0.003 d:\Pegwars\current\Scripts\Frustum\Light.py:15(cull)
349 0.568 0.002 30.889 0.089 d:\Pegwars\current\Scripts\Modules\DogFight.py:240(render)
348 0.535 0.002 0.979 0.003 d:\Pegwars\current\Scripts\Frustum\View.py:11(cull)
1 0.481 0.481 45.822 45.822 main.py:21(runPegwars)

So finally we've gone from the render using 47% of the time, to render using 66% of the time, all from easy optimisations. And the python procedural scene now has no obvious glitches when moving around a 2k x 2k map, meaning I can delay porting to C++ a little while longer!


  1. hey men let know when the release, i am from mexico and i love space and flyght combat sims, your graphics look awesome and seems to be a really nice game, more than many around now days about that subject.

    Look so good that i even became a bloger just to tell you to LET KNOW WHEN SOMEONE CAN PLAY IT, I DONT I CARE IF IT HAS TO BE BOUGHT!!


    1. Hey thanks very much! I love flight sims and space combat sims too, I wish that they made more these days :( Unfortunately this being a hobby project, it may be quite a while before the game is done, but I'll keep plugging away it and hopefully one day it'll see a release!

    2. I hear you brother, Its looking great!!! Your are making lots of people dream, i saw your august 19 2017 update. Keep it up ! I cant wait. If there is something i can help with, let know


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